Click here to view the curriculum overview.
(Our curriculum is subject to constant modifications in line with our children's needs and current government guidelines )
Click here to view the curriculum intent.
Our curriculum places a strong emphasis on the quality of children’s learning and is designed to help prepare them for their futures.
“It is calculated that by 2026, half the jobs that people will be performing do not yet exist. We simply don’t know what they will be.”
Mick Waters (Qualifications and Curriculum Authority)
This reality forms the basis of our curriculum which focuses on developing children’s skills to develop independence and tackle challenges with confidence.
Our curriculum is planned using the national curriculum which became statutory in September 2014.
Our curriculum places emphasis on TEACHING facts and greater emphasis on teaching children are given the skills to LEARN the facts for themselves. There is emphasis on embedding skills and attitudes needed to be successful in life.
In reality this means that our curriculum is based on helping children to develop the skills they need to thrive now and in the future. Learning is given a purpose by linking subjects through themes which last for varying lengths of time.
It is not possible to include every subject in every theme so some are taught discretely (such as maths, science and PSHE) and others will be taught later in the year as part of a different theme.
General Aims of our School Curriculum:
To encourage each individual child to develop to their full potential socially, intellectually, physically, spiritually and emotionally, in a secure and happy environment.
For all children, in all identified groups, to have high levels of understanding in a wide range of subjects across the curriculum.
To deliver a broad, balanced curriculum where varied learning experiences enable children to become independent, confident and responsible learners.
To have respect for religious and moral values, encouraging self-discipline and a caring responsible attitude towards others.
To develop high quality literacy, numeracy and communication (oracy) skills.
To acquire knowledge, skills and practical abilities relevant to adult life in a fast changing world.
To introduce children to the world about them, through scientific enquiry, and to help them towards an understanding of the interdependence of people, both today and in the past.
To help children become aware of the community around them and encourage ways in which they can begin to share in it.
The future is important… it’s where our children will spend the rest of their lives.
How to find out more about our Curriculum
If you want to know more about our Curriculum in any year group please make an appointment to speak to your child's class teacher.
If you are not an existing parent or carer of a child in our school then please contact the school office with your request and someone will be happy to talk to you about it.
Click here to view the curriculum overview.
(Our curriculum is subject to constant modifications in line with our children's needs and current government guidelines )
Click here to view the curriculum intent.
Our curriculum places a strong emphasis on the quality of children’s learning and is designed to help prepare them for their futures.
“It is calculated that by 2026, half the jobs that people will be performing do not yet exist. We simply don’t know what they will be.”
Mick Waters (Qualifications and Curriculum Authority)
This reality forms the basis of our curriculum which focuses on developing children’s skills to develop independence and tackle challenges with confidence.
Our curriculum is planned using the national curriculum which became statutory in September 2014.
Our curriculum places emphasis on TEACHING facts and greater emphasis on teaching children are given the skills to LEARN the facts for themselves. There is emphasis on embedding skills and attitudes needed to be successful in life.
In reality this means that our curriculum is based on helping children to develop the skills they need to thrive now and in the future. Learning is given a purpose by linking subjects through themes which last for varying lengths of time.
It is not possible to include every subject in every theme so some are taught discretely (such as maths, science and PSHE) and others will be taught later in the year as part of a different theme.
General Aims of our School Curriculum:
To encourage each individual child to develop to their full potential socially, intellectually, physically, spiritually and emotionally, in a secure and happy environment.
For all children, in all identified groups, to have high levels of understanding in a wide range of subjects across the curriculum.
To deliver a broad, balanced curriculum where varied learning experiences enable children to become independent, confident and responsible learners.
To have respect for religious and moral values, encouraging self-discipline and a caring responsible attitude towards others.
To develop high quality literacy, numeracy and communication (oracy) skills.
To acquire knowledge, skills and practical abilities relevant to adult life in a fast changing world.
To introduce children to the world about them, through scientific enquiry, and to help them towards an understanding of the interdependence of people, both today and in the past.
To help children become aware of the community around them and encourage ways in which they can begin to share in it.
The future is important… it’s where our children will spend the rest of their lives.
How to find out more about our Curriculum
If you want to know more about our Curriculum in any year group please make an appointment to speak to your child's class teacher.
If you are not an existing parent or carer of a child in our school then please contact the school office with your request and someone will be happy to talk to you about it.