School Meals

The children are given a choice of different types of meals s/he would prefer.   Please let us know if your child is a vegetarian and we can order accordingly.

School meals are free to all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

All dinner money is now payable via Parent Pay (at present £2.20 per day - £11 per week).  Nursery lunch is £2 per day.  Please contact the school office if you have any difficulty accessing Parent Pay. 


If your child wishes to stop having school lunches and have a packed lunch instead, they can do so but please make sure your child's class teacher is aware so that the dinner register is filled in correctly.


Please note that you can only choose Halal meals if you have signed a parental consent form; these can be found in the Main Office.


Packed Lunch

Please put the packed lunch in a lunch box clearly marked with your child’s name. We would request that no flasks be included for safety reasons. Please make sure that any drinks container is securely fastened and leak/spillage proof. When you are preparing the lunch please bear in mind that we do not have refrigerated storage for packed lunches. Uneaten food will be returned to enable parents to monitor consumption.

Water is available for all children on the table at lunchtime.


Children who have difficulty with their school meal or packed lunch are helped by members of the Meals Supervisory team. Should there be persistent difficulties these will be discussed with you. Children who go home to dinner should not arrive back until 5 minutes before the start of the afternoon session. Please notify a member of the Meal Supervisory team that you have returned your child.

School dinner menu


To be the best that we can be.

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School Meals

The children are given a choice of different types of meals s/he would prefer.   Please let us know if your child is a vegetarian and we can order accordingly.

School meals are free to all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

All dinner money is now payable via Parent Pay (at present £2.20 per day - £11 per week).  Nursery lunch is £2 per day.  Please contact the school office if you have any difficulty accessing Parent Pay. 


If your child wishes to stop having school lunches and have a packed lunch instead, they can do so but please make sure your child's class teacher is aware so that the dinner register is filled in correctly.


Please note that you can only choose Halal meals if you have signed a parental consent form; these can be found in the Main Office.


Packed Lunch

Please put the packed lunch in a lunch box clearly marked with your child’s name. We would request that no flasks be included for safety reasons. Please make sure that any drinks container is securely fastened and leak/spillage proof. When you are preparing the lunch please bear in mind that we do not have refrigerated storage for packed lunches. Uneaten food will be returned to enable parents to monitor consumption.

Water is available for all children on the table at lunchtime.


Children who have difficulty with their school meal or packed lunch are helped by members of the Meals Supervisory team. Should there be persistent difficulties these will be discussed with you. Children who go home to dinner should not arrive back until 5 minutes before the start of the afternoon session. Please notify a member of the Meal Supervisory team that you have returned your child.

School dinner menu


To be the best that we can be.

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School Meals

The children are given a choice of different types of meals s/he would prefer.   Please let us know if your child is a vegetarian and we can order accordingly.

School meals are free to all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

All dinner money is now payable via Parent Pay (at present £2.20 per day - £11 per week).  Nursery lunch is £2 per day.  Please contact the school office if you have any difficulty accessing Parent Pay. 


If your child wishes to stop having school lunches and have a packed lunch instead, they can do so but please make sure your child's class teacher is aware so that the dinner register is filled in correctly.


Please note that you can only choose Halal meals if you have signed a parental consent form; these can be found in the Main Office.


Packed Lunch

Please put the packed lunch in a lunch box clearly marked with your child’s name. We would request that no flasks be included for safety reasons. Please make sure that any drinks container is securely fastened and leak/spillage proof. When you are preparing the lunch please bear in mind that we do not have refrigerated storage for packed lunches. Uneaten food will be returned to enable parents to monitor consumption.

Water is available for all children on the table at lunchtime.


Children who have difficulty with their school meal or packed lunch are helped by members of the Meals Supervisory team. Should there be persistent difficulties these will be discussed with you. Children who go home to dinner should not arrive back until 5 minutes before the start of the afternoon session. Please notify a member of the Meal Supervisory team that you have returned your child.

School dinner menu


To be the best that we can be.

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