At Long Lee Primary School and in the Footprints Federation we regard the safeguarding of children to be of great importance.
What is Safeguarding?
At Long Lee Primary School we consider the safeguarding of children to be our most important priority. Children need to feel safe, cared for and valued in order to learn and thrive. In our school we follow the guidance set out in ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ which states that schools must ensure they:
To ensure the above guidelines are followed we take action to enable all children to have the best outcomes through our safeguarding measures regardless of their age, culture, physical needs, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and sexual identity. In order to do this we have clear procedures in place to ensure that disclosures or allegations are taken seriously, recorded correctly and investigated.
We follow guidance, as a school from the Bradford Safeguarding Children Board, they have a useful area for parents and children to access.
Who is Responsible for Safeguarding?
Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children. Staff are made aware that any safeguarding issues need to be reported through the correct routes to the designated safeguarding leads. When staff are recruited we follow the procedures set out in our ‘School Safer Recruitment Policy’. Also on-going safeguarding measures are in place for staff currently employed i.e. through training and DBS re-checks.
The following staff have received required Child Protection Training for Safeguarding Leads in School:
Our named governor for safeguarding is Mr Waine Pybus
In addition, all staff receive refresher Level 1 Safeguarding Training annually. All staff who are new to Long Lee Primary receive safeguarding training as part of their induction package in order to ensure they can recognise signs and symptoms of abuse and report using our agreed procedures.
Where national issues come to the fore, whole school staff training is put in place, for example around the PREVENT agenda or around online safety.
Teaching students are also inducted to the Federation in the same way.
Staff attend pertinent training throughout the year, for example – domestic violence, child bereavement, drug and alcohol abuse.
Parents are invited to attend workshops wherever possible, for example around online safety.
There is a Bradford Council site around family information services, where support and information that will help parents to safeguard their children is available.
Governors are subjected to the same checks as staff and are expected to complete training with staff, through governors sessions or by accessing our online training provider.
All visitors to the Federation are provided with our safeguarding leaflet.
What are the Areas of Safeguarding?
How does our Curriculum Support Safeguarding of Pupils?
To support pupils with confidence and knowledge of safeguarding issues we ensure our personal, social, health education (PSHE) programme allows lots of opportunities to develop their understanding.
For example:
Our PSHE curriculum focuses on 6 themes which run through each year group across each half term. These include: Being Me in the World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. Through these themes, classes experiences sessions on sex and Relationship Education, drug, alcohol and tobacco education, keeping safe and managing risk both online and in person, mental health and emotional wellbeing, physical health and wellbeing, identity, society and equality as well as careers, financial capability and economic wellbeing and female genital mutilation. Sensitive areas are covered at an appropriate age.
Links with External Agencies
In order to provide the best possible safeguarding for all pupils in our school we work with outside agencies to ensure we get expert advice and support. We follow procedures set out by the Local Education Authority and Bradford Safeguarding Children Board as well as ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ in accordance with child protection procedures.
Below are some of the links we have with external agencies:
Should you need more information about services available in Bradford around Early help for families then either speak to the school office who will put you in touch with the Federation Family Liaison officer or visit the Bradford council website.
Sharing of Information
We are required to have information from parents/carers prior to a child joining our school.
This includes:
In our school we follow the Data Protection principles. Information regarding children is stored safely and securely and it is only shared with professionals permitted to have it.
Reporting Concerns and Complaints
At Long Lee Primary we endeavour to provide the very best service for our pupils and families. To help us provide this we require feedback. This can be achieved through mechanisms we offer e.g. questionnaires we send to parents, through emails to the office and telephone conversations.
However we feel that most importantly face to face discussions are effective at resolving concerns/complaints. In line with our policy, discussion of a concern would be with the class teacher in the first instance followed by the Head of School (or a designated senior leader if she is not available) if that does not provide a resolution. After that the matter can be referred to the Strategic Leader and then the Chair of Governors where hopefully the matter can be resolved, if not the Local Education Authority.
Our Complaints Policy sets out the procedures and this can be requested via the school office or downloaded from our website. Our aim is to always listen and try to resolve issues before they reach this stage.
If you would like more information on safeguarding, please contact the school for all our policies or view our policies section on our website.